ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation One)是由ITU-T制定的,符合以上三点要求。它定义的编码规则(如BER、PER)就相当于从局部语法到传送语法之间的转换规则。目前,很多网络协议的消息格式都是用ASN.1句法描述的,并指明了采用何种编码规则。在协议的具体实现时,我们必须在发送方设置一个ASN.1编码器,将发送方所要传送的消息经ASN.1编码后再发送出去;然后在接收方设置一个ASN.1解码器,将接收到的经ASN.1编码的消息解码为符合接收方局部语法的消息格式。由于ASN.1已经成为国际化的标准,这样,经ASN.1处理的信息独立于任何应用环境,就不会因为应用环境的不同而引起二义性的解释。
ITU-T专门讲述ASN.1的共有20个协议:X.680~X.699(还不包括较老的X.208和X.209),内容相当丰富,也非常复杂。本文的任务不在于讲述ASN.1规定的诸多名词和冗长繁杂的编码细节,而只是对BER和PER的要点做简要介绍,并将它们对比起来进行研究-ASN. 1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) by the ITU-T developed, consistent with the above three requirements. It defined coding rules (such as BER, PER) from the local grammar equivalent of transmission conversion between the grammar rules. At present, many of the news network protocol format is used ASN. A descr iption of the syntax and specify what the coding rules. The agreement is a concrete realization, we must set up a sender ASN. An encoder, the sender will have to transmit information via the ASN. After a code sent; The receiver then set up an ASN. A decoder that will receive by the ASN. A coding information for decoding receiver with the local news format syntax. As ASN. One has become international standards, so that by ASN. An independent processing of information in any applicatio
ITU-T专门讲述ASN.1的共有20个协议:X.680~X.699(还不包括较老的X.208和X.209),内容相当丰富,也非常复杂。本文的任务不在于讲述ASN.1规定的诸多名词和冗长繁杂的编码细节,而只是对BER和PER的要点做简要介绍,并将它们对比起来进行研究-ASN. 1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) by the ITU-T developed, consistent with the above three requirements. It defined coding rules (such as BER, PER) from the local grammar equivalent of transmission conversion between the grammar rules. At present, many of the news network protocol format is used ASN. A descr iption of the syntax and specify what the coding rules. The agreement is a concrete realization, we must set up a sender ASN. An encoder, the sender will have to transmit information via the ASN. After a code sent; The receiver then set up an ASN. A decoder that will receive by the ASN. A coding information for decoding receiver with the local news format syntax. As ASN. One has become international standards, so that by ASN. An independent processing of information in any applicatio