hao// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the
// image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant
// side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-
// encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed.
fly and slse-hao// The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the// image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant// side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-//encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed. a fly nd slse
// image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant
// side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-
// encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed.
fly and slse-hao// The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the// image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant// side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-//encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed. a fly nd slse