- 所属分类:
- SQL Server数据库
- 资源属性:
- [Dephi] [Pascal] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 726kb
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- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- ste****
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企业员工的考勤工作历来是人事与财务部门比较头疼的问题。不仅工作量大,而且时效性强。但这项工作的重要性又是显而易见的,因为它反映了员工工作的态度和积极性,关系到企业的形象和发展。过去,企业多采用签到和报表的形式进行管理,效率和透明度较差,而且需委派专门人员进行,增加了企业的运营成本。随着数据库技术的发展以及企业信息化建设的进行,使用计算机管理企业考勤工作已成为大势所趋。企业的人事或后勤部门掌握员工的基本信息和出勤情况,同时鉴于多数企业的激励机制,员工的考勤与工资要挂钩,财务部门可按约定设置不同出勤情况的工资系数。-welcomed the use Attendance Management System v1.0 Enterprise staff attendance personnel have always been compared with the first financial sector the pain problems. Not only the heavy workload and time-intensive. But the importance of this work is evident, as it reflects the work of the staff attitude and enthusiasm, businesses related to the image and development. Historically, companies use more attendance and statements in the form of management, efficiency and transparency poor, but the need for specialized personnel assigned to increase the company's operating costs. With the development of database technology and enterprise informatization construction, using a computer to manage the enterprise attendance has become a trend. Enterprises or logistical personnel departments grasp
企业员工的考勤工作历来是人事与财务部门比较头疼的问题。不仅工作量大,而且时效性强。但这项工作的重要性又是显而易见的,因为它反映了员工工作的态度和积极性,关系到企业的形象和发展。过去,企业多采用签到和报表的形式进行管理,效率和透明度较差,而且需委派专门人员进行,增加了企业的运营成本。随着数据库技术的发展以及企业信息化建设的进行,使用计算机管理企业考勤工作已成为大势所趋。企业的人事或后勤部门掌握员工的基本信息和出勤情况,同时鉴于多数企业的激励机制,员工的考勤与工资要挂钩,财务部门可按约定设置不同出勤情况的工资系数。-welcomed the use Attendance Management System v1.0 Enterprise staff attendance personnel have always been compared with the first financial sector the pain problems. Not only the heavy workload and time-intensive. But the importance of this work is evident, as it reflects the work of the staff attitude and enthusiasm, businesses related to the image and development. Historically, companies use more attendance and statements in the form of management, efficiency and transparency poor, but the need for specialized personnel assigned to increase the company's operating costs. With the development of database technology and enterprise informatization construction, using a computer to manage the enterprise attendance has become a trend. Enterprises or logistical personnel departments grasp