This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding in an OpenGL application
The source code here includes a simple C++ class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect() and Track(). In the DrawTrackRect() function, the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp(GL_XOR). The rubber-banding rectangle is drawn using glRecti().-This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding system in an OpenGL application The source code here includes a simple C class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect () and Track (). In the DrawTrackRect () function , the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp (GL_XOR). The rubber-banding system rectangle is drawn using glRecti ().
The source code here includes a simple C++ class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect() and Track(). In the DrawTrackRect() function, the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp(GL_XOR). The rubber-banding rectangle is drawn using glRecti().-This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding system in an OpenGL application The source code here includes a simple C class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect () and Track (). In the DrawTrackRect () function , the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp (GL_XOR). The rubber-banding system rectangle is drawn using glRecti ().
相关搜索: opengl