This package contains a set of tools that allows to deform in real-time points and images using the Moving Least Squares algorithms. This is a fast technique to get good image deformations without using the computational expansive techniques provided by the thin-plates splines algorithms. The algorithm was published in the paper "Image Deformation Using Moving Least Squares" by Scott Schaefer, Travis McPhail, Joe Warren
压缩包 : MLSD.zip 列表 MLS/ MLS/MLSD2DTransform.m MLS/MLSD2DWarp.m MLS/MLSD2DlinesPrecompute.m MLS/MLSD2DpointsPrecompute.m MLS/MLSDeformImage.m MLS/MLSDeformPoints.m MLS/html/ MLS/html/MLSDdemo_01.png MLS/html/MLSDdemo_02.png MLS/html/MLSDdemo_03.png MLS/html/MLSDdemo_04.png MLS/html/MLSDdemo.png MLS/html/MLSDdemo.html MLS/getpoints.m MLS/plotpoints.m MLS/points2dnormalize.m MLS/strin.m MLS/MLSDdemo.m MLS/image.jpg MLS/plotshape.m MLS/plotpointsLabels.m