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我经常在网上碰到同行请求开发文件系统驱动。windows的pc机上以过滤驱动居多。其目的不外乎有以下几种:   一是用于防病毒引擎。希望在系统读写文件的时候,捕获读写的数据内容,然后检测其中是否含有病毒代码。   二是用于加密文件系统,希望在文件写过程中对数据进行加密,在读的过程中进行解密。   三是设计透明的文件系统加速。读写磁盘的时候,合适的cache算法是可以大大提高磁盘的工作效率。windows本身的cache算法未必适合一些特殊的读写磁盘操作(如流媒体服务器上读流媒体文件)。设计自己的cache算法的效果,我已在工作中有所感受。   如果你刚好有以上此类的要求,你可以阅读本教程。-I often encounter online request peer file system driver development. Windows on the pc-driven mostly to filter. Its goal : There are several : First, for the anti-virus engine. Hope for writing the document, read and write data capture, which then detected the presence of the virus code. Two documents for encryption systems in the hope that the process of writing papers for data encryption, in the course of time deciphering. Three is to design a transparent file system accelerated. The disk read and write when appropriate cache algorithm can greatly improve the efficiency of disk. Windows itself to the cache algorithm may not be suitable for some special disk read and write operations (such as streaming media server time streaming media). The cache design algorithm results, I have some wo


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