自从Windows 95面市以来,系统托盘应用作为一种极具吸引力的UI深受广大用户的喜爱。使用系统托盘UI的Windows应用程序数不胜数,比如\"金山词霸\"、\"Winamp\"、\"RealPlayer\"等等。那么如何编写自己的托盘应用呢?此代码是系列文章中的例子代码,比较系统地示范了托盘应用的编程。并创建自己的C++类来增强系统托盘应用的特性。代码参考价值极高。-since the launch of the system tray application as a very attractive user UI deeply love. UI using the system tray of Windows applications and countless others, such as "free email" and "Winamp", "RealPlayer" and so on. So how to prepare their application tray? This code is a series of articles in the code examples, compared to model the system tray application programming. And to create their own category C to enhance the system tray application characteristics. Code high reference value.
压缩包 : 565153系统托盘编程完全指南(一).zip 列表 about.h about_.h Debug/ Debug/TrayTest.exe MainFrm.cpp MainFrm.h ReadMe.txt res/ resource.h res/APP.ico res/GOOFY.ICO res/myicon.ico res/myicon2.ico res/TrayTest.ico res/TrayTest.rc2 res/VCKBASELOGO.BMP StatLink.cpp StatLink.h StatLink_.cpp StatLink_.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h TRAYICON.CPP TRAYICON.H TrayTest.aps TrayTest.clw TrayTest.cpp TrayTest.dsp TrayTest.dsw TrayTest.h TrayTest.ncb TrayTest.opt TrayTest.plg TrayTest.rc