Time Menu Maker! 1.0由于其便捷的操作而成为新近开发出来的软件中的佼佼者,它的功能包括让您轻而易举的制作完全由您自己自行定制菜单,并为您的浏览器添加无以伦比的精彩效果。它不仅支持菜单叠放,还支持框架以及mouseover音响特效等功能。除此之外这个软件还为您特别定制了种类非常齐全的功能。(如滚动显示,限幅器及旋转和旋转模糊等特效), 主页: http://www.wyka-warzecha.com/-Time Menu Maker! 1.0 due to its easy operation and become a newly developed software in 1987, and its functions include lets you easily produced entirely by your own customized menu, and your browser add unmatched in the exciting results. It is not only stacked menu support, the fr a mework also supports audio and MouseOver effects capabilities. In addition to the software is also customized to your particular type of very complete functions. (Such as rolling, and for limiting rotation and rotating vague effects), Home : http://www.wyka-warzecha.com/
压缩包 : 1679530time.zip 列表 ABCNavUltimateEval.class index.htm license.txt new_menu.jpg new_menu_hilite.jpg readme.txt sample_full_version_dox.htm