ABPollMaster 1.0ABPollMaster允许您生成调查问卷、测验单和幻灯片。本共享版是完全可定制的,允许用户生成下拉式框体、列表、定制的标题图形和测验选项。完全版则加入了对复选框、文本框条目、图像的支持,还能生成提交网址。-ABPollMaster 1.0ABPollMaster allows you to generate questionnaires, tests and single slides. This version is fully sharing can be customized, allowing the user to create drop-down box body, the list of title Custom graphics and test options. Full version is added to the check box, the text entry box, image support, but also to generate website.
压缩包 : 65689abpollmasterev.zip 列表 docs/ docs/header_5.gif docs/index.htm docs/index_1.htm docs/index_2.htm docs/index_3.htm docs/line.gif docs/line2.jpg docs/right_line.gif docs/top_back.jpg docs/top_back3.jpg index.htm license.txt readme.txt software/ software/ABPollMaster.txt software/ABPollMasterEv.class software/background.jpg software/Dl.class software/index.html software/line.gif software/line2.jpg software/title.jpg software/top_back3.jpg