一个用SDK编写的方块程序,完整的VC++源代码。-the block game written in SDK, the file contains the entire VC sourcecode.
压缩包 : 796783sdk编写的方块游戏.rar 列表 Debug Debug\SDKBlock.bsc Debug\BlockData.bsn B2.BMP B3.BMP B4.BMP B5.BMP B6.BMP BACKGND2.BMP BITMAP2.BMP BITMAP3.BMP BlockData.bsn blockInfo.bmp blockunit.bmp CANCEL.BMP CHANGE.WAV DATA.CPP DEL.WAV exitbutton.bmp FUN.CPP Gone Fishing.bmp ICON1.ICO LEFT.WAV newbutton.bmp OK.BMP ReadMe.txt RESOURCE.H SDKBlock.cpp SDKBlock.dsp SDKBlock.dsw SDKBlock.h SDKBlock.opt SDKBlock.plg SDKBlock.rc small.ico SOUND104.WAV SOUND16.WAV startbutton.bmp StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h stopbutton.bmp Straw Mat.bmp TXT2.BIN UNITBIG.BMP Unitsmall.bmp WIN.WAV