A new intelligent milometer base on a microcontroller can count the sum. By taking full use of the processor 89s51 and E² PROM (AT24C02) and sensor of magnetism, it can count the sum of fully distance and the course of development.
A new intelligent milometer base on a microcontroller can count the sum. By taking full use of the processor 89s51 and E² PROM (AT24C02) and sensor of magnetism, it can count the sum of fully distance and the course of development.
压缩包 : 4765146487361001dso.zip 列表 amplifier.v AUDIO_DAC.v CLK_PLL.v DEC256SINC24B.v deltasigma.v I2C_AV_Config.v I2C_Controller.v oscope.v panel.v PS2_KEYBOARD.v ram_test.v Reset_Delay.v SEG7_LUT.v SEG7_LUT_8.v signed_mult.v trace_w_pipe.v VGA_Audio_PLL.v VGA_Controller/ VGA_Controller/VGA_Audio_PLL.v VGA_Controller/VGA_Controller.v VGA_Controller/VGA_Param.h