FFT and IFFT for 16-bits wave, you can
use this instead of convolution calculate, input samples must be 2^n.
If its not 2^n samples just stuff zero
in last array.
I already make it to C++ class you can
new a calss and do it easy
use this instead of convolution calculate, input samples must be 2^n.
If its not 2^n samples just stuff zero
in last array.
I already make it to C++ class you can
new a calss and do it easy
压缩包 : 21840315myfft_ifft.zip 列表 myfft_ifft/ myfft_ifft/fft_ifft.cpp myfft_ifft/fft_ifft.h myfft_ifft/input.txt myfft_ifft/myfft.aps myfft_ifft/myfft.clw myfft_ifft/myfft.cpp myfft_ifft/myfft.dsp myfft_ifft/myfft.dsw myfft_ifft/myfft.h myfft_ifft/myfft.ncb myfft_ifft/myfft.opt myfft_ifft/myfft.plg myfft_ifft/myfft.rc myfft_ifft/myfftDlg.cpp myfft_ifft/myfftDlg.h myfft_ifft/output.txt myfft_ifft/ReadMe.txt myfft_ifft/res/ myfft_ifft/resource.h myfft_ifft/res/myfft.ico myfft_ifft/res/myfft.rc2 myfft_ifft/res/Thumbs.db myfft_ifft/StdAfx.cpp myfft_ifft/StdAfx.h