目前很多嵌入式系统以DSP 为核心构建,但是,采用汇编语言开发DSP 系统存在开发
难度大、开发周期长、维护性差等缺点,应用C 语言开发DSP 系统是广大嵌入式开发者的
迫切要求。有关单片机的C 语言开发有相当多的资料可以参考,而DSP 系统的C 语言开发
却很少见。本文以TI 公司的DSP 器件TMS320F24X 系列为例,讲述怎样用C 语言开发一
个完整的DSP 嵌入式系统-At present, many embedded systems with DSP as the core build, but the use of assembly language to develop DSP systems development is very difficult to develop long cycle of poor maintenance of the shortcomings of the application of C language to develop the vast number of embedded DSP systems is an urgent requirement for developers. On the single-chip C-language development has a considerable amount of information can refer to, and the DSP system development of C language is very rare. Based on TI
难度大、开发周期长、维护性差等缺点,应用C 语言开发DSP 系统是广大嵌入式开发者的
迫切要求。有关单片机的C 语言开发有相当多的资料可以参考,而DSP 系统的C 语言开发
却很少见。本文以TI 公司的DSP 器件TMS320F24X 系列为例,讲述怎样用C 语言开发一
个完整的DSP 嵌入式系统-At present, many embedded systems with DSP as the core build, but the use of assembly language to develop DSP systems development is very difficult to develop long cycle of poor maintenance of the shortcomings of the application of C language to develop the vast number of embedded DSP systems is an urgent requirement for developers. On the single-chip C-language development has a considerable amount of information can refer to, and the DSP system development of C language is very rare. Based on TI