实验室管理(C++)某高校物理实验室实行全天开放,学生可以根据自己的学习进度自行安排实验时间,但是每个实验有一个限定的时间,例如某实验要在近两周内完成。假设近期将要做的实验可以有周一下午、周三下午、周五下午三个时间(可以根据实际情况进行调整),不妨称为时间一、时间二、时间三,这三个时间做实验的学生可以用队列来存储。-Laboratory management (C++) The implementation of a university physics laboratory open day, students can progress according to their own experiments in self-arranged time, but each experiment has a limited time, such as an experiment in the near two weeks完成. Assuming the near future experiments can be done Monday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, Friday afternoon, three hours (can be adjusted according to the actual situation), may be referred to as time 1 and time 2, time three, the three time to do experiments that students can used to store queue.