一个理想的系统应是R,S尽量小,而P,A尽可能大。而在一个实际系统中,S,R是相互制约的,拒识率R的提高总伴随着误识率S的下降,与此同时识别率A和识别精度P的提高。因此,在评价手写数字识别系统系统时,我们必须综合考虑这几个指标。另外,由于手写数字的书写风格、工整程度可以有相当大的差别,因此必须弄清一个指标在怎样的样本集合下获得的。-An ideal system should be R, S as small as possible, while P, A as possible. In a practical system, S, R are mutually constrained, rejection rate R associated with the improvement of the overall error rate of decline in S, while the recognition rate of A and P improvement of identification accuracy. Therefore, in the evaluation of handwritten numeral recognition systems, we must consider several indicators. In addition, as a result of handwritten numeral writing style, neat extent can vary considerably, so we must clarify what kind of an indicator in the sample collection obtained.
相关搜索: 数字识别