Linux 价格低廉、功能强大,可以运行在X86,Alpha,Sparc,MIPS,PPC,MOTOROLA,NEC,ARM
等硬件平台上,而且开放源代码,可以定制。我们所介绍的硬件平台是基于ARM 体系结构,
由北京博创兴业科技有限公司开发的UP-NetARM3000 和UP-NetARM2410-S 实验仪器。
UP-NetARM3000 的CPU为ARM7TDMI内核的三星S3C44B0X01 芯片,由于没有MMU(内存管理单
元)只能运行uClinux,UP-NetARM2410-S的CPU为ARM920T内核的三星S3c2410 芯片,由于
对有MMU和无MMU的不同开发过程-Linux cheap, powerful, can run on X86, Alpha, Sparc, MIPS, PPC, MOTOROLA, NEC, ARM, such as hardware platform, but also open source, can be customized. We introduce the hardware platform is based on the ARM architecture, from Beijing Fiberxon Industrial Technology Development Co., Ltd. UP-NetARM3000 and UP-NetARM2410-S experimental apparatus. UP-NetARM3000 the CPU for the ARM7TDMI core S3C44B0X01 Samsung chip, in the absence of MMU (memory management unit) can only run uClinux, UP-NetARM2410-S for the CPU Samsung ARM920T kernel S3C2410 chip, as has MMU can run standard ARM-LINUX kernel. Through these two platforms, we can learn for embedded LINUX in MMU and MMU have different development process
等硬件平台上,而且开放源代码,可以定制。我们所介绍的硬件平台是基于ARM 体系结构,
由北京博创兴业科技有限公司开发的UP-NetARM3000 和UP-NetARM2410-S 实验仪器。
UP-NetARM3000 的CPU为ARM7TDMI内核的三星S3C44B0X01 芯片,由于没有MMU(内存管理单
元)只能运行uClinux,UP-NetARM2410-S的CPU为ARM920T内核的三星S3c2410 芯片,由于
对有MMU和无MMU的不同开发过程-Linux cheap, powerful, can run on X86, Alpha, Sparc, MIPS, PPC, MOTOROLA, NEC, ARM, such as hardware platform, but also open source, can be customized. We introduce the hardware platform is based on the ARM architecture, from Beijing Fiberxon Industrial Technology Development Co., Ltd. UP-NetARM3000 and UP-NetARM2410-S experimental apparatus. UP-NetARM3000 the CPU for the ARM7TDMI core S3C44B0X01 Samsung chip, in the absence of MMU (memory management unit) can only run uClinux, UP-NetARM2410-S for the CPU Samsung ARM920T kernel S3C2410 chip, as has MMU can run standard ARM-LINUX kernel. Through these two platforms, we can learn for embedded LINUX in MMU and MMU have different development process