假设某个十字路口是由一条主干道和一条次干道汇合而成,在每个方向设置了红,绿,黄3种信号灯。考虑到主,次干道车辆数量不同,主干道每次放行时间较长,次干道每次放行时间较短。当绿灯转换成红灯时,黄灯需要亮(可以闪烁)一小段时间作为信号过度,以便车辆有时间停靠到禁止线外。-Assuming a crossroads by a main road and a second trunk from the convergence in each direction is set red, green, yellow three kinds of lights. Taking into account the main, sub-trunk roads the number of vehicles is different from each trunk release time, sub-trunk short time of each release. When the green light into red, yellow need to light (may flicker) as a signal over a short time in order to have time to stop the vehicle to the prohibited line.
相关搜索: 十字路口