本文介绍了一种应用LM35温度传感器和PICMicro的温度检测节点的设计方案,用于检测在模拟汽车电子点火的过程中,电子点火模块的核心模块温度和环境温度,将阐明模块结构、工作原理及采样值量化的方法。-CAN bus based on the temperature detection node design This paper introduces an application LM35 temperature sensor and the temperature detection PICmicro node design, for the detection of automotive electronics in a simulated process of ignition, electronic ignition module is the core module temperature and ambient temperature will clarify the module structure, working principle and the value of quantitative sampling methods.
本文介绍了一种应用LM35温度传感器和PICMicro的温度检测节点的设计方案,用于检测在模拟汽车电子点火的过程中,电子点火模块的核心模块温度和环境温度,将阐明模块结构、工作原理及采样值量化的方法。-CAN bus based on the temperature detection node design This paper introduces an application LM35 temperature sensor and the temperature detection PICmicro node design, for the detection of automotive electronics in a simulated process of ignition, electronic ignition module is the core module temperature and ambient temperature will clarify the module structure, working principle and the value of quantitative sampling methods.