具体功能:旅行社帮助其顾客预订旅馆,维护与其关联的旅馆和度假村的数据以及有关其预订情况的数据。 旅馆预订系统是为了方便预订和取消预订的记录而开发的,应当可以获得有关旅馆和度假村的更新信息。
-I learn C + + stage, so hotel reservations procedures. Specific functions : travel agents to help their customers make hotel reservations, maintaining its associated hotels and resorts data and the availability of its data. The hotel reservation system for the convenience of booking and the abolition of reservations for the development of the record, It should be available on hotels and resorts to update the information.
具体功能:旅行社帮助其顾客预订旅馆,维护与其关联的旅馆和度假村的数据以及有关其预订情况的数据。 旅馆预订系统是为了方便预订和取消预订的记录而开发的,应当可以获得有关旅馆和度假村的更新信息。
-I learn C + + stage, so hotel reservations procedures. Specific functions : travel agents to help their customers make hotel reservations, maintaining its associated hotels and resorts data and the availability of its data. The hotel reservation system for the convenience of booking and the abolition of reservations for the development of the record, It should be available on hotels and resorts to update the information.
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