μC/ OS - Ⅱ是一个源码公开的实时嵌入式操作系统,它的特点在于公开的源代码,很强的移植性,占先式多任务,每
个任务有单独的栈,中断管理及很强的稳定性与可靠性等,目前越来越受到实时嵌入式系统设计者的关注,而要使用μC/ OS - Ⅱ
就要针对不同的处理器进行移植,本文通过对在80x86 和MCU - 51 上移植实例的分析,给出了在移植μC/ OS - Ⅱ系统时如何通
过中断指令实现任务切换,解决移植的核心问题。-μC/OS- Ⅱ is an open source real-time embedded operating system, its characteristics is an open source code, strong transplantation, and preemptive multi-tasks, each task has a separate stack, interrupt management and a strong Stability and reliability, at present more and more real-time embedded system designers the concerns, and to use μC/OS- Ⅱ will be carried out for different processor transplantation, this paper in 80x86 and MCU- 51 on transplantation analysis examples are given in transplantation μC/OS- Ⅱ system how to achieve the task switching interrupt instruction to address the core issue of transplantation.
个任务有单独的栈,中断管理及很强的稳定性与可靠性等,目前越来越受到实时嵌入式系统设计者的关注,而要使用μC/ OS - Ⅱ
就要针对不同的处理器进行移植,本文通过对在80x86 和MCU - 51 上移植实例的分析,给出了在移植μC/ OS - Ⅱ系统时如何通
过中断指令实现任务切换,解决移植的核心问题。-μC/OS- Ⅱ is an open source real-time embedded operating system, its characteristics is an open source code, strong transplantation, and preemptive multi-tasks, each task has a separate stack, interrupt management and a strong Stability and reliability, at present more and more real-time embedded system designers the concerns, and to use μC/OS- Ⅱ will be carried out for different processor transplantation, this paper in 80x86 and MCU- 51 on transplantation analysis examples are given in transplantation μC/OS- Ⅱ system how to achieve the task switching interrupt instruction to address the core issue of transplantation.