对于人的感官来说,有视觉、听觉、触觉和味觉等方面的感知。在视觉方面,可以感知位置、运动、颜色、纹理、形状、符号等;在听觉方面,可以感知位置、运动、音调、音量、旋律等;另外还有触觉(机械的、热的、电的、肌肉运动方面的)和嗅觉(气味、味道等)。除了视觉、触觉和嗅觉外,人们可以从听觉中获得许多信息,如我们日常收听的电台节目、欣赏的音乐、聆听的自然声响等。有许多与音频相关的应用,如音频数据库、广播、音频编辑、监控、在线音乐等-For human senses, there are visual, hearing, touch and taste perception and so on. In the visual, it can be perceived location, movement, color, texture, shape, symbols, etc. in the sense of hearing can sense the location, sports, pitch, volume, melody, etc. in addition to tactile (mechanical, heat, electricity, and aspects of muscle movement) and olfactory (smell, taste, etc.). In addition to visual, tactile and smell, the people can get from hearing a lot of information, such as listening to our daily radio programs, to appreciate the music, listen to natural sounds such as. There are many and audio-related applications such as audio data, radio, audio editing, monitoring, online music, etc.