题目描述 :每位学生必须完成基础课50学分、专业课50学分、选修课24学分、人文类课程8学分、实验性课程20学分才能够毕业。
-Title Descr iption: Each student must complete the basic course of 50 credits, 50 credit courses, elective courses, 24 credits, 8 credits humanities courses, experimental courses 20 credits to graduate. Function Descr iption: This procedure provides users with a student credit management system, through the menu options, users can access through the display menu and options to realize the information input, information display, delete information, information changes according to various credits to sort high and low, information statistics, deposit files, read from the document, as well as input data to determine the validity functions.
-Title Descr iption: Each student must complete the basic course of 50 credits, 50 credit courses, elective courses, 24 credits, 8 credits humanities courses, experimental courses 20 credits to graduate. Function Descr iption: This procedure provides users with a student credit management system, through the menu options, users can access through the display menu and options to realize the information input, information display, delete information, information changes according to various credits to sort high and low, information statistics, deposit files, read from the document, as well as input data to determine the validity functions.