1) 图书信息的录入、修改、删除功能。
2) 读者信息的登记、修改、删除功能。
3) 借阅关系中的借出、归还功能。
4) 图书的查询功能,如书本借阅状态,此书借出或还在馆内,管内还剩几本。
5) 针对书本的借阅状态数据库给予图书管理员相应的处理提示的功能,如书本超期未还,应告知管理员督促读者,并作相应处理。
6) 数据库的备份和数据恢复功能。
-1) book of information entry, modify, delete function. 2) the reader registration information, modify, delete function. 3) borrow lending relationship, the return of function. 4) Book of the inquiry, such as books to borrow, and lend the book or the library also, pipe a few left. 5) to borrow against the state database of books to give librarians are prompted to deal with the corresponding features, such as books are not also extended, to urge the reader should inform the administrator, and the corresponding treatment. 6) database backup and data recovery functions.
2) 读者信息的登记、修改、删除功能。
3) 借阅关系中的借出、归还功能。
4) 图书的查询功能,如书本借阅状态,此书借出或还在馆内,管内还剩几本。
5) 针对书本的借阅状态数据库给予图书管理员相应的处理提示的功能,如书本超期未还,应告知管理员督促读者,并作相应处理。
6) 数据库的备份和数据恢复功能。
-1) book of information entry, modify, delete function. 2) the reader registration information, modify, delete function. 3) borrow lending relationship, the return of function. 4) Book of the inquiry, such as books to borrow, and lend the book or the library also, pipe a few left. 5) to borrow against the state database of books to give librarians are prompted to deal with the corresponding features, such as books are not also extended, to urge the reader should inform the administrator, and the corresponding treatment. 6) database backup and data recovery functions.