mixxx:一个多平台的DJ调音平台。Mixxx is software created for DJ ing. You can use wave based
audio files, Ogg Vorbis and MP3 files as audio input. Mixxx
can be controlled through the GUI and with external
controllers including MIDI devices, joysticks and more.
This release works on Linux, Windows and MacOS X.
Mixxx is released under GPL v2. See LICENSE file in this
directory for a copy of the licence.
-mixxx: a multi-platform DJ mixer platform. Mixxx is software created for DJ ing. You can use wave basedaudio files, Ogg Vorbis and MP3 files as audio input. Mixxxcan be controlled through the GUI and with external controllers including MIDI devices, joysticks and more.This release works on Linux, Windows and MacOS X. Mixxx is released under GPL v2. See LICENSE file in this directory for a copy of the licence.
audio files, Ogg Vorbis and MP3 files as audio input. Mixxx
can be controlled through the GUI and with external
controllers including MIDI devices, joysticks and more.
This release works on Linux, Windows and MacOS X.
Mixxx is released under GPL v2. See LICENSE file in this
directory for a copy of the licence.
-mixxx: a multi-platform DJ mixer platform. Mixxx is software created for DJ ing. You can use wave basedaudio files, Ogg Vorbis and MP3 files as audio input. Mixxxcan be controlled through the GUI and with external controllers including MIDI devices, joysticks and more.This release works on Linux, Windows and MacOS X. Mixxx is released under GPL v2. See LICENSE file in this directory for a copy of the licence.