osculatingcircle.cpp : An interactive demo of osculating circles used to define a parametric curve curvature. Require OpenGL(R)
matchsegments.cpp : Compute the scaled rigid transformation that matches a given pair of segments.
srm : A kind of statistical region mergion algorithm.
MiniBall.cpp : Implementation of the randomized recursive incremental construction of the smallest enclosing ball of a 2D point set (as known as Welzl MINIBALL algorithm).
composite.cpp : Image compositing using alpha channel. You need the source image furrydog.ppm, the alpha matte furrydog-matte.ppm and the background image background.ppm The result is composite.ppm.-osculatingcircle.cpp : An interactive demo of osculating circles used to define a parametric curve curvature. Requir e OpenGL (R) matchsegments.cpp : Compute the scaled rigid transformation that m atches a given pair of segments. srm : A kind of statistical algorithm region mergion . MiniBall.cpp : Implementation of the randomized recursive in cremental construction of the smallest enclos ing ball of a 2D point set (as known as Welzl MINIB ALL algorithm). composite.cpp : Image compositing using alpha channel. You nee d the source image furrydog.ppm. the alpha matte furrydog- matte.ppm and the hippocampus kground image background.ppm The result is com posite.ppm.
matchsegments.cpp : Compute the scaled rigid transformation that matches a given pair of segments.
srm : A kind of statistical region mergion algorithm.
MiniBall.cpp : Implementation of the randomized recursive incremental construction of the smallest enclosing ball of a 2D point set (as known as Welzl MINIBALL algorithm).
composite.cpp : Image compositing using alpha channel. You need the source image furrydog.ppm, the alpha matte furrydog-matte.ppm and the background image background.ppm The result is composite.ppm.-osculatingcircle.cpp : An interactive demo of osculating circles used to define a parametric curve curvature. Requir e OpenGL (R) matchsegments.cpp : Compute the scaled rigid transformation that m atches a given pair of segments. srm : A kind of statistical algorithm region mergion . MiniBall.cpp : Implementation of the randomized recursive in cremental construction of the smallest enclos ing ball of a 2D point set (as known as Welzl MINIB ALL algorithm). composite.cpp : Image compositing using alpha channel. You nee d the source image furrydog.ppm. the alpha matte furrydog- matte.ppm and the hippocampus kground image background.ppm The result is com posite.ppm.