考察例1 4 - 8中的1 4个点。A中的最近点对为(b,h),其距离约为0 . 3 1 6。B中最近点对为
(f, j),其距离为0 . 3,因此= 0 . 3。当考察
是否存在第三类点时,除d, g, i, l, m 以外
的点均被淘汰,因为它们距分割线x= 1的
距离≥ 。RA ={d, i, m},RB= {g, l},由
于d 和m 的比较区中没有点,只需考察i
即可。i 的比较区中仅含点l。计算i 和l
的距离,发现它小于,因此(i, l) 是最近-Study cases 1 4- 8 1 4 points. A of the nearest point for (b, h), its distance is about 0.3 1 6. B, for the nearest point (f, j), its distance of 0.3, so = 0.3. When the existence of the third category of inspection points, with the exception of d, g, i, l, m outside the points were eliminated, because they are away from partition line a distance x = 1 ≥. RA = (d, i, m), RB = (g, l), as a result of comparison of d and m there is no point area, simply visit i can. i Comparison of area-only point l. Calculating the distance between i and l, and found it less than, the (i, l) is a recently
(f, j),其距离为0 . 3,因此= 0 . 3。当考察
是否存在第三类点时,除d, g, i, l, m 以外
的点均被淘汰,因为它们距分割线x= 1的
距离≥ 。RA ={d, i, m},RB= {g, l},由
于d 和m 的比较区中没有点,只需考察i
即可。i 的比较区中仅含点l。计算i 和l
的距离,发现它小于,因此(i, l) 是最近-Study cases 1 4- 8 1 4 points. A of the nearest point for (b, h), its distance is about 0.3 1 6. B, for the nearest point (f, j), its distance of 0.3, so = 0.3. When the existence of the third category of inspection points, with the exception of d, g, i, l, m outside the points were eliminated, because they are away from partition line a distance x = 1 ≥. RA = (d, i, m), RB = (g, l), as a result of comparison of d and m there is no point area, simply visit i can. i Comparison of area-only point l. Calculating the distance between i and l, and found it less than, the (i, l) is a recently
相关搜索: 最近点对