整理资料时发现了大一时C程序设计的大作业,是一个简单的联系人管理系统,有一千多行代码吗,界面布局和菜单风格都是仿照 Turbo C 做的。
程序的注释非常详细,现在看起来也一点不吃力,结构也比较清晰,界面和功能基本上是分开的,扩充和修改都很容易。对于C语言的初学者来说,应该是一个不错的范例,认真看一看肯定会有收获的。-collate information found for short C program designed large operations, is a simple contact management system, with more than 1,000 lines of code?, layout and the menu interface is modeled on the style of Turbo C to do. In C for performance graphics interface is a very painful thing, and then do the one compromise option, This process of "graphical interface" is used to imitate the characters, but the output is still small, probably have about half of the code of the interface spend on the extras. Notes procedure is very detailed, now seem a little hard, the structure of which is comparatively clear. interface and the basic function is separate from the expansion and modification is easy. C Language for beginners, this should be a good example, be sure to look at the harvest.
程序的注释非常详细,现在看起来也一点不吃力,结构也比较清晰,界面和功能基本上是分开的,扩充和修改都很容易。对于C语言的初学者来说,应该是一个不错的范例,认真看一看肯定会有收获的。-collate information found for short C program designed large operations, is a simple contact management system, with more than 1,000 lines of code?, layout and the menu interface is modeled on the style of Turbo C to do. In C for performance graphics interface is a very painful thing, and then do the one compromise option, This process of "graphical interface" is used to imitate the characters, but the output is still small, probably have about half of the code of the interface spend on the extras. Notes procedure is very detailed, now seem a little hard, the structure of which is comparatively clear. interface and the basic function is separate from the expansion and modification is easy. C Language for beginners, this should be a good example, be sure to look at the harvest.