- 所属分类:
- 其他小程序
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual C] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 28kb
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- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 啊***
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如您所知,这方面的程序很多,看过ZF.Yi的相关作品,也见过黄江峰的相关程序,但我觉得我的计算类有不同于二位的特色,如计算结果的有效位较长(16位);支持不严格的表达式输入(如cos(23)*sin(34)与cos(23)*sin(34与cos23*sin34等价);支持四种进制的数在一个表达式中同时出现的进制混合运算(除十进制外的各进制数不限于整数,如12d.3axh,xh是我的计算类所能识别的十六进制数的标识符);且程序做得也比较精细(如制作了鼠标键盘、窗口跟随、计算历史查看等),这才使我觉得拙作不致于滥竽充数,相信网友们看了会另有收获的。-with many netizens, benefited from VCKBASE, think he should Zuodiangongxian. So do so based on a formula that evaluates the scientific calculator with you-loving friends to share programming. As you know, many of the procedures, ZF.Yi read the relevant works have seen Huang Jiang-related procedures, But I think I kind of calculation is different from the two characteristics, such as the results of a longer-effective (16); support rigorous expression input (such as cos (23)* sin (34) cos (23)* sin (34 with the equivalent sin34 cos23*); supports four 229 in a few expressions while the 229 mixed Operators (except outside the decimal 229 is not limited to a few Integer, 12 d.3axh, the exposure is calculated effort to identify the type hexadecimal number identifier); and procedures done rela
如您所知,这方面的程序很多,看过ZF.Yi的相关作品,也见过黄江峰的相关程序,但我觉得我的计算类有不同于二位的特色,如计算结果的有效位较长(16位);支持不严格的表达式输入(如cos(23)*sin(34)与cos(23)*sin(34与cos23*sin34等价);支持四种进制的数在一个表达式中同时出现的进制混合运算(除十进制外的各进制数不限于整数,如12d.3axh,xh是我的计算类所能识别的十六进制数的标识符);且程序做得也比较精细(如制作了鼠标键盘、窗口跟随、计算历史查看等),这才使我觉得拙作不致于滥竽充数,相信网友们看了会另有收获的。-with many netizens, benefited from VCKBASE, think he should Zuodiangongxian. So do so based on a formula that evaluates the scientific calculator with you-loving friends to share programming. As you know, many of the procedures, ZF.Yi read the relevant works have seen Huang Jiang-related procedures, But I think I kind of calculation is different from the two characteristics, such as the results of a longer-effective (16); support rigorous expression input (such as cos (23)* sin (34) cos (23)* sin (34 with the equivalent sin34 cos23*); supports four 229 in a few expressions while the 229 mixed Operators (except outside the decimal 229 is not limited to a few Integer, 12 d.3axh, the exposure is calculated effort to identify the type hexadecimal number identifier); and procedures done rela