参加 全国 电子设计大赛 的文档,
本文介绍了数字媒体嵌入式服务器的关键技术实现。本系统是一个以Internet为依托,工作在XScale架构、linux操作系统之上的嵌入式WEB服务器。使用了山东大学嵌入式实验室研发的嵌入式图形中间件,利用嵌入式实时数据库对授权网络用户和手机用户信息进行管理,集实时视频采集、视频转发、截图、控制并以多种途径传送,GIS信息发布等多种功能于一体。服务器采用了多级缓冲机制,高效稳定,支持数十个用户的同时访问,界面友好直观,方便用户操作。本系统较好实现了多媒体WEB服务器的功能,并因为其体积小,便于组装和长时间工作时性能稳定等优点有较好的应用前景。-participate in the Electronic Design Competition documents, the paper introduced a digital media server embedded key technology. The system is a Internet-based fr a mework in XScale, top of the Linux operating system embedded Web server. The use of embedded Shandong University research laboratories embedded graphics middleware, the use of embedded real-time database of authorized users and cell phone users in information management, real-time video set collection, Video transmitted, screenshots, and to control a variety of ways of transmission, GIS information dissemination, and other functions into one. Server is a multi-level mechanism of the buffer, a highly efficient and stable support for 10 users at the same time visit, friendly and intuitive interface. user-friendly operation. Of the
本文介绍了数字媒体嵌入式服务器的关键技术实现。本系统是一个以Internet为依托,工作在XScale架构、linux操作系统之上的嵌入式WEB服务器。使用了山东大学嵌入式实验室研发的嵌入式图形中间件,利用嵌入式实时数据库对授权网络用户和手机用户信息进行管理,集实时视频采集、视频转发、截图、控制并以多种途径传送,GIS信息发布等多种功能于一体。服务器采用了多级缓冲机制,高效稳定,支持数十个用户的同时访问,界面友好直观,方便用户操作。本系统较好实现了多媒体WEB服务器的功能,并因为其体积小,便于组装和长时间工作时性能稳定等优点有较好的应用前景。-participate in the Electronic Design Competition documents, the paper introduced a digital media server embedded key technology. The system is a Internet-based fr a mework in XScale, top of the Linux operating system embedded Web server. The use of embedded Shandong University research laboratories embedded graphics middleware, the use of embedded real-time database of authorized users and cell phone users in information management, real-time video set collection, Video transmitted, screenshots, and to control a variety of ways of transmission, GIS information dissemination, and other functions into one. Server is a multi-level mechanism of the buffer, a highly efficient and stable support for 10 users at the same time visit, friendly and intuitive interface. user-friendly operation. Of the