在坛子里经常能看到MFC编制的GUI游戏,功能强大,界面美观,人机交互便利等优点是控制台程序是无可比拟的.但对于刚初步了解 C/C++的朋友们是无法短期内能学会编写MFC游戏的。于是小弟采用 Win32 控制台 项目做了一个C++的小游戏,希望对于那些朋友,对大一, 大二的学生编写字符界面的小程序有所帮助。-in millions always be prepared to see the MFC GUI games, powerful, beautiful interface, HCI facilitation procedures advantage of the console is unparalleled. But for just a preliminary understanding of C/C is not friends shortly to be able to learn to prepare MFC game. So the younger using Win32 console project to make a small C game, hoping for those friends, the freshman, sophomore students prepared a small characters interface procedures to help.