1. 在IBConsole中添加两个用户LOGIN和MATER,密码均为PASSWORD。
2. 用MISDBA用户登录MISDB数据库。
3. 在ISQL中,输入第9章提供的SQL语句;或者根据表9-1至表9-8在SQL Explorer中自行创建数据表。数据库创建后需要分配LOGIN和MATER用户的访问权限。
4. 根据表9-9和表9-10设置初始数据,另外需要在PERSON数据表中设置一个用于登录系统的用户(ID=’MAT’,PASSWD=’PASSWORD’,AUTHORITY=’7’,STATE=’F’),同时在PART表中添加ID为’0000000000’的零件,名称为“。
5. 除了修改数据库连接的属性,还需要修改数据模块中LOGIN方法的相关用户密码。
-1. In addition two IBConsole users LOGIN and Mater. passwords are PASSWORD. 2. User login with MISDBA MISDB database. 3. In ISQL, the importation of Chapter 9 of SQL; Or, according to Table 9-1 to Table 9-8 in SQL Explorer to create data sheets. After creating the database needs and Mater distribution LOGIN user access permissions. 4. According to Table 9-9 and Table 9-10 initial data set, Another need PERSON data tables set up a registration system for users (ID = 'MAT' PASSWD = 'PASSWORD' AUTHORITY ='7 ', STATE = 'F'), PART table at the same time adding ID to'0000000000 'parts, name. " 5. In addition to modify the database connection attribute, is also a need to modify data module LOGIN method of user passwords.
2. 用MISDBA用户登录MISDB数据库。
3. 在ISQL中,输入第9章提供的SQL语句;或者根据表9-1至表9-8在SQL Explorer中自行创建数据表。数据库创建后需要分配LOGIN和MATER用户的访问权限。
4. 根据表9-9和表9-10设置初始数据,另外需要在PERSON数据表中设置一个用于登录系统的用户(ID=’MAT’,PASSWD=’PASSWORD’,AUTHORITY=’7’,STATE=’F’),同时在PART表中添加ID为’0000000000’的零件,名称为“。
5. 除了修改数据库连接的属性,还需要修改数据模块中LOGIN方法的相关用户密码。
-1. In addition two IBConsole users LOGIN and Mater. passwords are PASSWORD. 2. User login with MISDBA MISDB database. 3. In ISQL, the importation of Chapter 9 of SQL; Or, according to Table 9-1 to Table 9-8 in SQL Explorer to create data sheets. After creating the database needs and Mater distribution LOGIN user access permissions. 4. According to Table 9-9 and Table 9-10 initial data set, Another need PERSON data tables set up a registration system for users (ID = 'MAT' PASSWD = 'PASSWORD' AUTHORITY ='7 ', STATE = 'F'), PART table at the same time adding ID to'0000000000 'parts, name. " 5. In addition to modify the database connection attribute, is also a need to modify data module LOGIN method of user passwords.