eMule Plus 是一款文件分享软件。是架构在 eDonkey2000 多重来源文件传输通讯协定 (MFTP),它不需要依赖一个中心服务器,能快速搜寻及下载建立在 Donkey 网路上所有已分享的文件。
eMule Plus 允许您传输任何类型的文件,它能自动交换来源传输文件及蒐集文件清单将同一类型的 文件分类以利下载及分享,使用者能从多重来源下载一个相同的文件以确保传输是快速的。 文件能在下载中进行上传,这确保文件能被快速的分散。
eMule 主要特色:
.不需中心服务器,服务器能在任何的位置和 IP 位址。
.动态连结埠,经过设定 donkey 能使用任何的连结埠。
-eMule Plus is one file-sharing software. EDonkey2000 is in the fr a mework of multiple sources File Transfer Protocol (ars) it does not need to rely on a central server. can quickly search for and download on the Internet Donkey all share documents. EMule Plus allows you to transfer any type of document, It automatic exchange of documents and source transmission list of documents to gather the same type of classification of documents to facilitate the downloading and sharing, Multiple users can download a source of the same documents to ensure that transmission is rapidly. Documents can download for uploads, ensuring that documents can be quickly dispersed. EMule main characteristics :. Share and download any type of document. . No central server, the server can be in any location and IP add
eMule Plus 允许您传输任何类型的文件,它能自动交换来源传输文件及蒐集文件清单将同一类型的 文件分类以利下载及分享,使用者能从多重来源下载一个相同的文件以确保传输是快速的。 文件能在下载中进行上传,这确保文件能被快速的分散。
eMule 主要特色:
.不需中心服务器,服务器能在任何的位置和 IP 位址。
.动态连结埠,经过设定 donkey 能使用任何的连结埠。
-eMule Plus is one file-sharing software. EDonkey2000 is in the fr a mework of multiple sources File Transfer Protocol (ars) it does not need to rely on a central server. can quickly search for and download on the Internet Donkey all share documents. EMule Plus allows you to transfer any type of document, It automatic exchange of documents and source transmission list of documents to gather the same type of classification of documents to facilitate the downloading and sharing, Multiple users can download a source of the same documents to ensure that transmission is rapidly. Documents can download for uploads, ensuring that documents can be quickly dispersed. EMule main characteristics :. Share and download any type of document. . No central server, the server can be in any location and IP add