十年前,微软帝国的缔造者比尔-盖茨(Bill Gates)曾撰写过一本在当时轰动一时的书——《未来之路》,他在这本276页的书中预测了微软乃至整个科技产业未来的走势。盖茨在书中写道:“虽然现在看来这些预测不太可能实现,甚至有些荒谬,但是我保证这是本严肃的书,而决不是戏言。十年后我的观点将会得到证实。”一转眼十年过去了,现在让我们回顾一下盖茨的书中到底预测了些什么,又有哪些已经成为了现实。
-decade ago, Microsoft empire founder Bill- Gates (Bill Gates) has written off a highly publicized at the time the book-- "future", in this book the 276 predicted by Microsoft and the entire technology industry in the next trend. Gates wrote in the book : "Although it appears that these forecasts are not likely to achieve, or even absurd, But I guarantee this is the serious, and not frivolously. Ten years later my point of view will be confirmed. "After a decade has passed, Now let us look at the book Gates predicted in the end what and which has become a reality.
-decade ago, Microsoft empire founder Bill- Gates (Bill Gates) has written off a highly publicized at the time the book-- "future", in this book the 276 predicted by Microsoft and the entire technology industry in the next trend. Gates wrote in the book : "Although it appears that these forecasts are not likely to achieve, or even absurd, But I guarantee this is the serious, and not frivolously. Ten years later my point of view will be confirmed. "After a decade has passed, Now let us look at the book Gates predicted in the end what and which has become a reality.