本发行说明包含了发行适用于 HP-UX 的 Sun Java System Message Queue 3 2005Q4 (3.6 SP3) 时可
用的重要信息。本说明主要介绍已知问题和限制以及其他信息。在使用 Message Queue 之前,请先
阅读本文档。-contains the release notes for the issuance applies to HP-UX Sun Java System Mess Queue age 3 2005Q4 (3.6 SP3), the availability of important information. The note introduces the known problems and limitations as well as other information. Using Message Queue, Please read this document.
用的重要信息。本说明主要介绍已知问题和限制以及其他信息。在使用 Message Queue 之前,请先
阅读本文档。-contains the release notes for the issuance applies to HP-UX Sun Java System Mess Queue age 3 2005Q4 (3.6 SP3), the availability of important information. The note introduces the known problems and limitations as well as other information. Using Message Queue, Please read this document.