Routine mwindow: To Obtain Window Function.
Input parameters:
n : the length of window data.
iwindow: window type desired.
if : iwindow=1: rectangular window , =2: triangular window ,
=3: cosin window , =4: Hanning window ,
=5: Hamming window , =6: Blackman window ,
=7: Papoulis window .
Output parameters:
w: n dimension real array.the result is in w(0) to w(n-1).
ierror:if ierror=0: no error, =1: Iwindow out of range.
in Chapter 8-Routine : To Obtain Window Function. Input parameters : n : the length of window data. iwindow : window type desired. if : iwindow = 1 : rectangular window, = 2 : triangular window, = 3 : cosin window, = 4 : Hanning window, = 5 : Hamming window, = 6 : Blackman window, = 7 : Papoulis window. Output parameters : w : n dimension real array.the result is in w (0) to w (n-1). ierror : if ierror = 0 : no error, = 1 : Iwindow out of range. in Chapter 8
Input parameters:
n : the length of window data.
iwindow: window type desired.
if : iwindow=1: rectangular window , =2: triangular window ,
=3: cosin window , =4: Hanning window ,
=5: Hamming window , =6: Blackman window ,
=7: Papoulis window .
Output parameters:
w: n dimension real array.the result is in w(0) to w(n-1).
ierror:if ierror=0: no error, =1: Iwindow out of range.
in Chapter 8-Routine : To Obtain Window Function. Input parameters : n : the length of window data. iwindow : window type desired. if : iwindow = 1 : rectangular window, = 2 : triangular window, = 3 : cosin window, = 4 : Hanning window, = 5 : Hamming window, = 6 : Blackman window, = 7 : Papoulis window. Output parameters : w : n dimension real array.the result is in w (0) to w (n-1). ierror : if ierror = 0 : no error, = 1 : Iwindow out of range. in Chapter 8