雜湊法(Hashing)的搜尋與一般的搜尋法(searching)是不一樣的。在雜湊法中,鍵值(key value)或識別字(identifier)在記憶體的位址是經由函數(function)轉換而得的。此種函數,一般稱之為雜湊函數(Hashing function)或鍵值對應位址轉換(key to address transformation)。對於有限的儲存空間,能夠有效使用且在加入或刪除時也能快的完成,利用雜湊法是最適當不過了。因為雜湊表搜尋在沒有碰撞(collision)及溢位(overflow)的情況下,只要一次就可擷取到。
-hash (Hashing) search and search for a general law (searching) is not the same. The hash law, the pair (key value) or identification characters (identifier) in the memory address of the sender is by function (function) generated from the conversion. Such functions, commonly known as hash functions (Hashing function) keys corresponding addresses or conversion (key to address transformation). For the limited storage space, which can be effectively used in acceding to or deleted can be completed faster, using hash method is the most appropriate. Because hash table search in the absence of collisions (collision) and overflow (overflow) circumstances, as long as one can capture that.
-hash (Hashing) search and search for a general law (searching) is not the same. The hash law, the pair (key value) or identification characters (identifier) in the memory address of the sender is by function (function) generated from the conversion. Such functions, commonly known as hash functions (Hashing function) keys corresponding addresses or conversion (key to address transformation). For the limited storage space, which can be effectively used in acceding to or deleted can be completed faster, using hash method is the most appropriate. Because hash table search in the absence of collisions (collision) and overflow (overflow) circumstances, as long as one can capture that.