Euler 回路问题
对于给定的图G 和G 中的2 个顶点v 和w,连接顶点v 和w 且经过图中每条边恰好1 次
的路径称为顶点v 和w 之间的1 条Euler 路。当v=w 时得到一条首尾相接的Euler 回路。
对于给定的图G,编程计算图G 的一条Euler 回路。
由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有2 个正整数n 和m,表示给定的图G 有n 个
顶点和m 条边,顶点编号为1,2,…,n。接下来的m 行中,每行有2 个正整数u,v ,表示
图G 的一条边(u,v) 。
将编程计算出的Euler 回路输出到文件output.txt 。如果不存在Euler 回路,则输出-1。-Euler circuit problem. Problem descr iption : for a given graph G and G of two vertices v, w, connectivity and vertex v w map through which each side precisely the path to a meeting called vertices v, w between a Euler Road. When v = w be an end-to-end circuit Euler. . Programming tasks : for a given graph G, programming terms of a graph G Euler circuit. . Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. Line 1 has two positive integers n and m, to the graph G with n vertices and m edges and vertices numbered 1, 2, ..., n. Next m OK, every trip has two positive integer u, v, said of a graph G edge (u, v). . Results output : Programming will be calculated by Euler circuit output to a file output.txt. If there is no Euler circuit, the output 1.
对于给定的图G 和G 中的2 个顶点v 和w,连接顶点v 和w 且经过图中每条边恰好1 次
的路径称为顶点v 和w 之间的1 条Euler 路。当v=w 时得到一条首尾相接的Euler 回路。
对于给定的图G,编程计算图G 的一条Euler 回路。
由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有2 个正整数n 和m,表示给定的图G 有n 个
顶点和m 条边,顶点编号为1,2,…,n。接下来的m 行中,每行有2 个正整数u,v ,表示
图G 的一条边(u,v) 。
将编程计算出的Euler 回路输出到文件output.txt 。如果不存在Euler 回路,则输出-1。-Euler circuit problem. Problem descr iption : for a given graph G and G of two vertices v, w, connectivity and vertex v w map through which each side precisely the path to a meeting called vertices v, w between a Euler Road. When v = w be an end-to-end circuit Euler. . Programming tasks : for a given graph G, programming terms of a graph G Euler circuit. . Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. Line 1 has two positive integers n and m, to the graph G with n vertices and m edges and vertices numbered 1, 2, ..., n. Next m OK, every trip has two positive integer u, v, said of a graph G edge (u, v). . Results output : Programming will be calculated by Euler circuit output to a file output.txt. If there is no Euler circuit, the output 1.