高精度整数问题« 问题描述:(1) 设计一个表示高精度整数的模板类,它支持对任意大整数的输入、输出和四则运算(+、-、´ 、¸ ),其中除法运算应输出所得的商和余数。(2) 用上述高精度整数的模板类,计算大整数组合数和Catalan数的精确值。« 编程任务:给定大整数m和n,计算÷ ÷ø ö ç ç èæ nm和C(m)的精确值。« 数据输入:由文件input.txt给出输入数据。第一行有2 个正整数m和n。« 结果输出:将计算出的÷ ÷ø ö ç ç èæ nm和) (m C 的精确值输出到文件output.txt。文件的第一行是÷ ÷ø ö ç ç èæ nm的精确值,第2 行是C(m)的精确值。输入文件示例 输出文件示例input.txt output.txt5 3 1042-problems laquo precision integer; Problem descr iption : (1) design a high-precision integer said the template category, which supports the arbitrary large integer input, output and four Operators (,-, acute; , Cedil;) That division should Operational output and the number of I . (2) the use of such high-precision integer type of template to calculate large integer number and composition of the Catalan few precise value. Laquo; Programming tasks : to set large integers m and n, calculate oslash; Ouml; Ccedil; Ccedil; aelig; Nm and C (m), the precise value. Laquo; Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. The first trip had two positive integers n and m. Laquo; Results output : to calculate the oslash; Ouml; Ccedil; Ccedil; aelig; Nm) (m C exact values of the output to