文件名称:Battery Management Systems, Volume 1_ Battery Modeling Battery Modeling
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This book constitutes the first volume in what is planned to be a
three-volume series describing battery management systems. The
intent of the series is not to be encyclopedic; rather, it is to put forward only the current best practices, with sufficient fundamental
background to understand them thoroughly.1
This first volume focuses on deriving mathematical sets of equations or models that describe how battery cells work, inside and out.
The second volume applies equivalent-circuit style models to solve
problems in battery management and control. The third volume
shows how physics-based models can also be used to solve problems
in battery management and control, leading to better results.
three-volume series describing battery management systems. The
intent of the series is not to be encyclopedic; rather, it is to put forward only the current best practices, with sufficient fundamental
background to understand them thoroughly.1
This first volume focuses on deriving mathematical sets of equations or models that describe how battery cells work, inside and out.
The second volume applies equivalent-circuit style models to solve
problems in battery management and control. The third volume
shows how physics-based models can also be used to solve problems
in battery management and control, leading to better results.
压缩包 : Gregory L Plett - Battery Management Systems, Volume 1_ Battery Modeling Battery Modeling-Artech Hou 列表 Gregory L Plett - Battery Management Systems, Volume 1_ Battery Modeling Battery Modeling-Artech House Publishers (2015).pdf