文件名称:GPS location calculation
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For computing the user position on the Earth, it is essential to determine the accurate GPS satellites orbit.
One applicable way is to calculate the satellite orbit using the broadcasted ephemeris, the merit of which
is that one could determine the orbit information at any given time. However this broadcasted ephemeris
could only provide a limited accuracy of about 1.6 meters. Another approach is to obtain the satellite orbit
information directly from the International GNSS Service (IGS) which is also called the precise orbits or
precise ephemeris, the precision of which can reach the millimeter level. However the precise orbits are
reported at an interval of 15 minutes thus requires to be interpolated into the time of positioning.
One applicable way is to calculate the satellite orbit using the broadcasted ephemeris, the merit of which
is that one could determine the orbit information at any given time. However this broadcasted ephemeris
could only provide a limited accuracy of about 1.6 meters. Another approach is to obtain the satellite orbit
information directly from the International GNSS Service (IGS) which is also called the precise orbits or
precise ephemeris, the precision of which can reach the millimeter level. However the precise orbits are
reported at an interval of 15 minutes thus requires to be interpolated into the time of positioning.
压缩包 : GPS_Position.rar 列表 GPS_Position/A Study on the GPS Satellites Orbit.pdf GPS_Position/brdc2000.06n GPS_Position/cal2gpstime.m GPS_Position/check_rinex_line_length.m GPS_Position/comp_pos.m GPS_Position/createObs.m GPS_Position/Geodetic.m GPS_Position/get_broadcast_orbits.m GPS_Position/madr2000.06o GPS_Position/parsef.m GPS_Position/read_rinex_nav.m GPS_Position/read_rinex_obs.m GPS_Position/set_constants.m GPS_Position/test_GPSReceiverPosition.m GPS_Position