文件名称:A memory and area‑efficient distributed arithmetic based modular VLSI architecture of 1D/2D reconfigurable 9/7 and 5/3 D
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- 上传时间:
- 2021-10-05
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- nalevihtkas
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In this article, we have proposed the internal architecture of a dedicated hardware for 1D/2D convolution-based 9/7 and
5/3 DWT filters, exploiting bit-parallel ‘distributed arithmetic’ (DA) to reduce the computation time of our proposed DWT
design while retaining the area at a comparable level to other recent existing designs. Despite using memory extensive bitparallel DA, we have successfully achieved 90% reduction in the memory size than that of the other notable architectures.
Through our proposed architecture, both the 9/7 and 5/3 DWT filters can be realized with a selection input, mode. With
the introduction of DA, we have incorporated pipelining and parallelism into our proposed convolution-based 1D/2D DWT
architectures. We have reduced the area by 38.3% and memory requirement by 90% than that of the latest remarkable designs.
The critical-path delay of our design is almost 50% than that of the other latest designs. We have successfully applied our
prototype 2D design for real-time image decomposition. The quality of the architecture in case of real-time image decomposition is measured by ‘peak signal-to-noise ratio’ and ‘computation time’, where our proposed design outperforms other
similar kind of software- and hardware-based implementations.
5/3 DWT filters, exploiting bit-parallel ‘distributed arithmetic’ (DA) to reduce the computation time of our proposed DWT
design while retaining the area at a comparable level to other recent existing designs. Despite using memory extensive bitparallel DA, we have successfully achieved 90% reduction in the memory size than that of the other notable architectures.
Through our proposed architecture, both the 9/7 and 5/3 DWT filters can be realized with a selection input, mode. With
the introduction of DA, we have incorporated pipelining and parallelism into our proposed convolution-based 1D/2D DWT
architectures. We have reduced the area by 38.3% and memory requirement by 90% than that of the latest remarkable designs.
The critical-path delay of our design is almost 50% than that of the other latest designs. We have successfully applied our
prototype 2D design for real-time image decomposition. The quality of the architecture in case of real-time image decomposition is measured by ‘peak signal-to-noise ratio’ and ‘computation time’, where our proposed design outperforms other
similar kind of software- and hardware-based implementations.
压缩包 : Chakraborty-Banerjee2020_Article_AMemoryAndArea-efficientDistri.rar 列表 Chakraborty-Banerjee2020_Article_AMemoryAndArea-efficientDistri.pdf