VB自己编写的卡尔曼滤波程序源代码,每次变化数据源触发该子函数,初始定义完后得出滤波数值,然后自动计算出K+1时刻最优偏差,然后赋值给text1 也就是最优偏差,一直变化,而这个迭代由数据源的变化而触发驱动。(The source code of the Kalman filter program written by VB. Every time the data source changes, the sub-function is triggered. After the initial definition, the filter value is obtained, and then the optimal deviation at the K + 1 time is automatically calculated, and then assigned to text1, which is the optimal The deviation always changes, and this iteration is triggered and driven by changes in the data source.)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
卡尔曼滤波\Form1.frm | 7575 | 2020-04-09 |
卡尔曼滤波\Project1.vbp | 2102 | 2020-04-09 |
卡尔曼滤波\Project1.vbw | 115 | 2020-04-09 |
卡尔曼滤波\ucHistogram.ctl | 11316 | 2020-04-09 |
卡尔曼滤波\ucHistogram.log | 120 | 2020-04-09 |
卡尔曼滤波 | 0 | 2020-04-09 |