4.通过输入学生学号或姓名查询某学生的信息。(1. Define student category, including student number, name, gender, and scores of multiple courses. Students are divided into two categories, with different number of courses, and all course scores are initialized to 0. Suppose there are n students, input student information by keyboard;
2. Define the class member function, modify the information of each student, calculate the average score of each student, and count the average score, the highest score and the lowest score of each course according to the course;
3. Output all student information at the same time;
4. Query the information of a student by inputting the student number or name.)
4.通过输入学生学号或姓名查询某学生的信息。(1. Define student category, including student number, name, gender, and scores of multiple courses. Students are divided into two categories, with different number of courses, and all course scores are initialized to 0. Suppose there are n students, input student information by keyboard;
2. Define the class member function, modify the information of each student, calculate the average score of each student, and count the average score, the highest score and the lowest score of each course according to the course;
3. Output all student information at the same time;
4. Query the information of a student by inputting the student number or name.)
相关搜索: 学生成绩管理
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