经典扫雷升级版之即时双人联机对战扫雷小游戏。在线匹配,即时对战,带聊天功能。用nodejs搭建简易的服务端,websocket实现即时通信,代码量六七百行左右,纯原创,简单注释。玩法:输入昵称进入主界面后即可开始匹配,匹配成功后由率先点击匹配的一方先手,轮流扫雷。此版本禁用了标记功能,难度增加了一些。对战同时可以与对手聊天互动。(用命令行cd到项目根目录,输入node index.js,回车即可开启服务,然后进浏览器访问http://localhost:5999)(Classic minesweeping upgrade version of real-time double online minesweeping games. Online match, real-time battle, with chat function. Using nodejs to build a simple server, websocket to achieve instant communication, the code amount is about 600 lines, pure original, simple comments.)
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