void matTxyz(float Txyz[4][4],float tx,float ty,float tz)
void matRx(float Rx[4][4],float theta)
void matRy(float Ry[4][4],float theta)
void matRz(float Rz[4][4],float theta)
void matR(float R[4][4],float theta,float x,float y,float z)
void matSxyz(float Sxyz[4][4],float sx,float sy,float sz)
7)4阶方阵相乘 R=A*B
void MatMul(float R[4][4],const float A[4][4],const float B[4][4])
8)4阶方阵与4维向量相乘 PV=Mat*Vector
void MVMul(float PV[],const float Mat[][4],const float Vector[])(Include the following functions
1) The matrix txyz of translation (TX, ty, TZ)
void matTxyz(float Txyz[4][4],float tx,float ty,float tz)
2) Matrix RX of rotation theta angle around X axis
void matRx(float Rx[4][4],float theta)
3) Matrix ry of rotation theta angle about y axis
void matRy(float Ry[4][4],float theta)
4) Matrix RZ of rotation theta angle about Z axis
void matRz(float Rz[4][4],float theta)
5) Rotate the matrix R of theta angle around the specified axis (start point (0,0,0), end point (x, y, z))
void matR(float R[4][4],float theta,float x,float y,float z)
6) Scaling matrix sxyz
void matSxyz(float Sxyz[4][4],float sx,float sy,float sz)
7) Fourth order square matrix multiplication r = a * B
void MatMul(float R[4][4],const float A[4][4],const float B[4][4])
8) Fourth order square matrix multiplied by 4-dimensional vector PV = mat * vector
void MVMul(float PV[],const float Mat[][4],const float Vector[]))
void matTxyz(float Txyz[4][4],float tx,float ty,float tz)
void matRx(float Rx[4][4],float theta)
void matRy(float Ry[4][4],float theta)
void matRz(float Rz[4][4],float theta)
void matR(float R[4][4],float theta,float x,float y,float z)
void matSxyz(float Sxyz[4][4],float sx,float sy,float sz)
7)4阶方阵相乘 R=A*B
void MatMul(float R[4][4],const float A[4][4],const float B[4][4])
8)4阶方阵与4维向量相乘 PV=Mat*Vector
void MVMul(float PV[],const float Mat[][4],const float Vector[])(Include the following functions
1) The matrix txyz of translation (TX, ty, TZ)
void matTxyz(float Txyz[4][4],float tx,float ty,float tz)
2) Matrix RX of rotation theta angle around X axis
void matRx(float Rx[4][4],float theta)
3) Matrix ry of rotation theta angle about y axis
void matRy(float Ry[4][4],float theta)
4) Matrix RZ of rotation theta angle about Z axis
void matRz(float Rz[4][4],float theta)
5) Rotate the matrix R of theta angle around the specified axis (start point (0,0,0), end point (x, y, z))
void matR(float R[4][4],float theta,float x,float y,float z)
6) Scaling matrix sxyz
void matSxyz(float Sxyz[4][4],float sx,float sy,float sz)
7) Fourth order square matrix multiplication r = a * B
void MatMul(float R[4][4],const float A[4][4],const float B[4][4])
8) Fourth order square matrix multiplied by 4-dimensional vector PV = mat * vector
void MVMul(float PV[],const float Mat[][4],const float Vector[]))
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Transform\Transform\main.cpp | 6720 | 2020-03-04 |
Transform\Transform\Transform.sdf | 29294592 | 2020-03-04 |
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Transform\Transform\transformation.cpp | 2266 | 2020-03-04 |
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Transform\Transform | 0 | 2020-03-04 |
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说明.docx | 66136 | 2020-03-04 |