文件名称:statcom FACTS Devices
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ieee 14 bus
Abstract In deregulated power system, congestion management
is a major problem due to operational constraints.
Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices can be
a choice to control the power flow in congested lines. This
paper explores the use of two popular FACTS devices,
TCSC and STATCOM for power flow control in electrical
network and their capability to decongest the network. It
suggests the optimal location of TCSC and STATCOM
individually to relieve congestion with minimum power
losses, voltage regulation and cost of the device. The
proposed method has been verified on IEEE-14 bus system
for its effectiveness. Simulation work is carried out in
MATLAB software.
Abstract In deregulated power system, congestion management
is a major problem due to operational constraints.
Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices can be
a choice to control the power flow in congested lines. This
paper explores the use of two popular FACTS devices,
TCSC and STATCOM for power flow control in electrical
network and their capability to decongest the network. It
suggests the optimal location of TCSC and STATCOM
individually to relieve congestion with minimum power
losses, voltage regulation and cost of the device. The
proposed method has been verified on IEEE-14 bus system
for its effectiveness. Simulation work is carried out in
MATLAB software.
压缩包 : ieee14.zip 列表 ieee14.slx license.txt