适用于一维EWT的变换文件,所有文件齐全,有测试文件,以及参数解释和帮助word文档,亲测可用。(For one-dimensional EWT transformation files, all the files are complete, there are test files, as well as parameter interpretation and help word documents, pro-test available.)
相关搜索: EWT的1D处理
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT1D.m | 2825 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT_beta.m | 162 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT_InstantaneousComponents.m | 1730 | 2018-03-29 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT_Meyer_FilterBank.m | 1474 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT_Meyer_Scaling.m | 920 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT_Meyer_Wavelet.m | 1325 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\EWT_Single_filter.m | 93 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\iEWT1D.m | 841 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D\IFcleaning.m | 1628 | 2018-03-29 |
EWTtests\1D\Modes_EWT1D.m | 749 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\1D_Utilities\EWT_TF_Plan.m | 3365 | 2018-04-11 |
EWTtests\1D_Utilities\Show_EWT.m | 1158 | 2018-04-02 |
EWTtests\1D_Utilities\Show_EWT_Boundaries.m | 2432 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\Adaptive_Bounds_Adapt.m | 1629 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\EpsNeighLocalMaxMin.m | 2009 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\LocalMaxima\LocalMax.m | 1223 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\LocalMaxima\LocalMaxMin.m | 2113 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\LocalMaxima\LocalMaxMin2.m | 2653 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\EmpiricalLaw.m | 1020 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\GSS_BoundariesDetect.m | 881 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\HalfNormalLaw.m | 1080 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\kmeansDetect.m | 1215 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\LengthScaleCurve.m | 3406 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\maxcheckplateau.m | 407 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\MeaningfulScaleSpace.m | 1280 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\MeanTh.m | 867 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\OtsuMethod.m | 1270 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\PlanGaussianScaleSpace.m | 1286 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace\RemoveMerge.m | 4037 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\EWT_Boundaries_Completion.m | 835 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\EWT_Boundaries_Detect.m | 4904 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrend.m | 3982 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath\FunctionClosing.m | 646 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath\FunctionDilation.m | 766 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath\FunctionErosion.m | 762 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath\FunctionGranulometry.m | 590 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath\FunctionOpening.m | 645 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath\FunctionTopHat.m | 625 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\PowerLaw\Powerlaw_Estimator.m | 712 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\SpectrumRegularize.m | 1422 | 2016-12-01 |
EWTtests\params.docx | 13494 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\test.m | 3158 | 2018-04-13 |
EWTtests\x.mat | 28246 | 2018-04-02 |
EWTtests\新建文件夹\x1.mat | 933 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\新建文件夹\x2.mat | 202349 | 2018-03-29 |
EWTtests\新建文件夹\x3.mat | 2721 | 2018-03-30 |
EWTtests\说明.docx | 177053 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\LocalMaxima | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod\ScaleSpace | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\MorphoMath | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod\PowerLaw | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\BoundariesDetectMethod | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\Boundaries\RemoveTrendMethod | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\1D | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\1D_Utilities | 0 | 2018-04-11 |
EWTtests\Boundaries | 0 | 2018-03-22 |
EWTtests\新建文件夹 | 0 | 2018-03-30 |
EWTtests | 0 | 2018-04-03 |