1-8遗传算法,9 多目标Pareto最优解搜索算法,10 基于多目标Pareto的二维背包搜索算法,11-12免疫算法,13-17粒子群算法,18鱼群算法,19-21模拟退火算法,22-24蚁群算法,25-27神经网络,28 支持向量机的分类,29 支持向量机的回归拟合,30 极限学习机的回归拟合及分类(1-8 genetic algorithm, 9 multi-objective Pareto optimal solution search algorithm, 10 multi-objective Pareto based two-dimensional knapsack search algorithm, 11-12 immune algorithm, 13-17 particle swarm algorithm, 18 fish swarm algorithm, 19-21 simulated annealing algorithm, 22-24 ant colony algorithm, 25-27 neural network, 28 support vector machine classification, 29 support vector machine regression simulation Regression Fitting and Classification of Combination, 30 Extreme Learning Machines)
相关搜索: 30个智能算法模型
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
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30_例子\chapter1\example2.m | 2113 | 2010-10-31 |
30_例子\chapter10\chapter10\data.mat | 422 | 2010-12-28 |
30_例子\chapter10\chapter10\main.m | 6048 | 2010-12-28 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\aberranceJm.m | 1067 | 2007-09-24 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\across.m | 2329 | 2007-09-17 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\cal.m | 1325 | 2007-09-17 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\calP.m | 555 | 2007-09-17 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\caltime.m | 1276 | 2007-09-17 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\Find.m | 178 | 2007-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\main.m | 2816 | 2010-10-04 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\plotRec.m | 487 | 2007-07-14 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\ranking.M | 4708 | 2010-12-23 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\REINS.M | 5574 | 1998-04-22 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\RWS.M | 1090 | 1998-04-22 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\scheduleData.mat | 527 | 2010-12-23 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\SELECT.M | 2401 | 1998-04-22 |
30_例子\chapter11\chapter11\selectJm.m | 398 | 2007-09-24 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\bestselect.m | 1669 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\centre.fig | 7910 | 2010-09-07 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\concentration.m | 479 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\Cross.m | 1294 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\draw.m | 1046 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\excellence.m | 400 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\figure.fig | 9007 | 2010-09-07 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\fitness.m | 901 | 2010-09-07 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\IAdata.mat | 4838 | 2010-09-07 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\incorporate.m | 1102 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\main.m | 3676 | 2010-12-28 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\Mutation.m | 1001 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\popinit.m | 319 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\Select.m | 912 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\similar.m | 377 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter12\chapter12\test.m | 580 | 2010-09-06 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\fun.m | 241 | 2010-08-03 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\main.m | 1579 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\MexicoHatnew.m | 174 | 2010-08-03 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\PSO0.m | 1802 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\PSO1.m | 1859 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\PSO2.m | 1859 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\PSO3.m | 1878 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\PSO4.m | 1863 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample1\wchange.m | 353 | 2010-08-05 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\fun.m | 197 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\pso.fig | 6256 | 2010-08-09 |
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30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\pso.mat | 2624 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\rastrigrin.fig | 123876 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\rastrigrin.m | 128 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\fun.m | 209 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\Griewank.fig | 699309 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\Griewank.m | 146 | 2010-08-09 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\pso.fig | 5867 | 2010-08-11 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\PSO.m | 1582 | 2010-08-11 |
30_例子\chapter13\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\pso.mat | 4509 | 2010-08-11 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\GA_run.html | 3271 | 2010-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\GA_run.png | 1337 | 2010-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\GA_run_01.png | 10751 | 2010-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\PSO.html | 11078 | 2010-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\PSO.png | 3133 | 2010-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\PSO_01.png | 4996 | 2010-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\cell模式下运行结果\PSO_02.png | 6157 | 2010-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\源程序\GA_run.m | 477 | 2010-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\源程序\PID_Model.mdl | 29558 | 2010-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\源程序\PSO.m | 2589 | 2010-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\源程序\PSO_PID.m | 174 | 2010-08-22 |
30_例子\chapter14\案例14\问题解决思路.pdf | 116504 | 2010-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\bayg29.txt | 695 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\burma14.txt | 236 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\ch130.txt | 4394 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\ch150.txt | 5098 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\dist.m | 126 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\eil51.txt | 444 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\fitness.m | 419 | 2010-10-16 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\gr96.txt | 1628 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\main.m | 5566 | 2014-09-26 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\Oliver30.txt | 434 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\pr226.txt | 3459 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\pr76.txt | 1117 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter15\chapter15\st70.txt | 678 | 2009-06-12 |
30_例子\chapter16\chapter16\DF1function.m | 586 | 2010-11-16 |
30_例子\chapter16\chapter16\fitnessRecord.mat | 4236 | 2010-11-12 |
30_例子\chapter16\chapter16\main.m | 2689 | 2011-08-28 |
30_例子\chapter16\chapter16\readme.txt | 14 | 2014-08-08 |
30_例子\chapter16\chapter16\result.mat | 12567 | 2010-06-29 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\forcecol.m | 172 | 2004-04-27 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\forcerow.m | 181 | 2004-04-27 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\goplotpso.m | 5790 | 2010-11-04 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\linear_dyn.m | 749 | 2004-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\normmat.m | 4588 | 2006-03-17 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\pso_Trelea_vectorized.m | 22526 | 2009-12-20 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\PSOt\spiral_dyn.m | 841 | 2004-08-27 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\ackley.m | 871 | 2004-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\alpine.m | 639 | 2004-08-19 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\DeJong_f2.m | 732 | 2004-08-13 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\DeJong_f3.m | 506 | 2004-08-19 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\DeJong_f4.m | 1004 | 2004-08-13 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\f6.m | 314 | 2005-06-27 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\f6mod.m | 700 | 2004-08-23 |
30_例子\chapter17\chapter17\testfunctions\f6_bubbles_dyn.m | 1510 | 2004-08-26 |