文件名称:Visual C++ Goodi (G)

  • 所属分类:
  • Windows编程
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [Windows] [Visual C] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2008-10-13
  • 文件大小:
  • 17.4mb
  • 下载次数:
  • 2次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 舒**
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Visual C++ Goodi的配套源码,全书都是实际开发中可能用到的示例,很有用-The source codes of Visual C++ Goodi,the whole book are about some examples which may used in the practical development ,they are usefull.


压缩包 : 1985497visual c   goodi (g).rar 列表
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\AUTORUN.INF
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\QUE.ICO
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\README1ST.TXT
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\start.exe
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Examples.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 9\GetFolder - Shell Extension Folder Browser Function - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 9
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 30\Simple OpenGL Classes - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 30\Simple OpenGL Classes - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 30\Starting OpenGL in a dialog - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 30\Starting Rendering Modes - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 30
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 40\ActiveX Control Tutorial - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 40\ActiveX Shell Registration - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 40
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 20 - None
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 42 - None
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 21\Displaying Cursor Position in the Status Bar - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 21\Displaying Cursor Position in the Status Bar - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 21
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 31\ADI is OK I - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 31\ADI is OK II - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 31
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 41\An ATL Project to View Type Libraries - Demo VB Project.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 41\An ATL Project to View Type Libraries - Demo VC Project.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 41\An ATL Project to View Type Libraries - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 41\ATL Tear-Off Interfaces - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 41\Using DDX and DDV with WTL - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 41
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 22\Docking Toolbars Side-By-Side - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 22\Full-Featured 24-bit Color Toolbar - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 22\Toolbar with 16M colour images - Source Code and Example.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 22
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 32\Interactive SQL Tool - Application.exe
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 32\Interactive SQL Tool - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 32
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History! - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Item Tooltips - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.aps
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.clw
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.dsp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.dsw
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.ncb
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.opt
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.plg
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Demo.rc
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\DemoDlg.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\DemoDlg.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\HistoryComboEx.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\HistoryComboEx.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\ReadMe.txt
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Release\Demo.exe
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\Release
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\res\Demo.ico
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\res\Demo.rc2
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\res
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\resource.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\StdAfx.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo\StdAfx.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!\Demo
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\CComboBoxEx with History!
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\TooltipComboBox\TooltipListCtrl.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\TooltipComboBox\TooltipComboBox.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\TooltipComboBox\TooltipComboBox.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\TooltipComboBox\TooltipListCtrl.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\TooltipComboBox
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\ComboBoxFolder.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\ComboBoxFolder.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Folder.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Folder.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\ReadMe.txt
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\resource.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\StdAfx.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\StdAfx.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.clw
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.dsp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.dsw
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.exe
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.plg
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\Test.rc
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\TestDlg.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\TestDlg.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\TreeCtrlFolder.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\TreeCtrlFolder.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\res\Test.rc2
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\res\Test.ico
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\res\folder.bmp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\res\icon1.ico
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\res\folder0.bmp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown\res
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13\ComboBox with Tree Dropdown
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 13
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 23\A multi-select tree control class - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 23
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 33\Using stored procedures with ADO - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 33
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 19\A Pinnable Dialog Base Class - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 19\A Pinnable Dialog Base Class - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 19\Irregular Shaped Bitmap Dialog - Demo Project.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 19\Irregular Shaped Bitmap Dialog - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 19
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 10\Improved Print Preview Toolbar - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 10\Producing WYSIWYG Text Output - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 10\Producing WYSIWYG Text Output - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 10
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 11\A NotQuiteNullDacl Class - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 11\Getting the Module (exe) Filename from an HWND - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 11\Getting the Module (exe) Filename from an HWND - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 11\Process & Module Enumeration Class - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 11\Shared Memory Inter Process Communication (IPC) - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 11
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\Caption Bar Interface -  Demo and Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\CCharSetBtn Control - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\CCharSetBtn Control - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\CStatic-Derived Flat Button Class - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\CStatic-Derived Flat Button Class - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\CXPStyleButtonST v1.0 - WXP buttons with all CButtonST - Src.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12\CXPStyleButtonST v1.0 - WXP buttons with all CButtonST - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 12
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 14\Hybrid Edit Control - Prompt Text and Edit Control - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 14\Hybrid Edit Control - Prompt Text and Edit Control - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 14\Masked Edit Control (3) - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 14\Masked Edit Control (3) - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 14\Numeric edit and numeric spin controls - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 14
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 24\CSplitterWnd Extension - Switching Views in Panes - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 24\CSplitterWnd Extension - Switching Views in Panes - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 24\Implementing Rulers inside of Splitter Panes - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 24\Minimum size splitter - Demo Project and Executable.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 24
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 34\Creating XML files from C++ programs - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 34\Creating XML files from C++ programs - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 34\Using the Microsoft XML Parser to Create XML Documents - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 34
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\A Memory Viewer - a powerful class for any kind of text .zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\CMacButton, CMacCheckBox & CMacRadioButton - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\CMacButton, CMacCheckBox & CMacRadioButton - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\Macintosh-like Progress Control - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\Macintosh-like Progress Control - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\System Image List - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25\System Image List - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 25
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 35\Chat Room Comes Back With A New Face - Client Source code.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 35\Chat Room Comes Back With A New Face - Server Source Code.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 35
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A VisualStudio-like ListBox class - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A VisualStudio-like ListBox class - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoDialog.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoDoc.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoDoc.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoPropPage.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoPropPage.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoPropSheet.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListManager.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\MainFrm.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\MainFrm.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\ReadMe.txt
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\res\DualListDemo.ico
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\res\DualListDemo.rc2
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\res\DualListDemoDoc.ico
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\res\Toolbar.bmp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\res
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\StdAfx.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\StdAfx.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.dsw
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.ncb
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemo.res
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\vc60.idb
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\vc60.pdb
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\StdAfx.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\MainFrm.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemoPropPage.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemoDoc.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemo.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemo.exe
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemo.pdb
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemoPropSheet.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListManager.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\MyDlg.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemoDialog.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug\DualListDemoView.obj
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\Debug
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.plg
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.clw
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoPropSheet.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListManager.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\MyDlg.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoDialog.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\MyDlg.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoView.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemoView.cpp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\resource.h
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.opt
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.dsp
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.aps
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo\DualListDemo.rc
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16\A Dual ListBox Selection Manager - Demo
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 16
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\Add GIF-Animation to your MFC and ATL Projects - Demo Project.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\Add GIF-Animation to your MFC and ATL Projects - ATL Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\Add GIF-Animation to MFC and ATL Projects - MFC Demo Project.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\Add GIF-Animation to your MFC and ATL Projects - MFC Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\CPicture - The Yovav Horror PictureShow - Demo (SDI) Project.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\CPicture - The Yovav Horror PictureShow - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\How to Retain the Aspect Ratio of Image While Resizing - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26\Transparent Bitmap - True Mask Method - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 26
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36\Connection Pipe Classes - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36\Connection Pipe Classes - Test.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36\Connection Pipe Classes - Users Guide.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36\Connection Pipe Classes - Wizard.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36\Named Pipe Wrapper for Win32 Platforms -  Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36\Named Pipe Wrapper for Win32 Platforms - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 36
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 17\Adaptable Property List Control - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 17\Adaptable Property List Control - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 17\CreateDragImage for Multiply Selected Items - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 17\CreateDragImage for Multiply Selected Items - Executable.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 17
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 27\Using Direct3D8- The basics - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 27\Using Direct3D8- The basics - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 27
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 37\Function to Verify if Connected to the Internet - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 37\Synchronizing Your PC Clock Using HTTP Protocol - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 37
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 18\Owner Drawn Menu with Icons (3) (uses toolbar res) - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 18
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 28\Drawing an ArrowLine - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 28\Drawing an ArrowLine - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 28\Streaming IPicture object - Demo.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 28\Streaming IPicture object - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 28
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 38\COM Delegation Using the COM Channel Hook Mechanism - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 38\DLLUnregister Server in MFC based COM applications - Source .zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 38\Passing Binary Data in COM - Source.zip
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples\Chapter 38
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\Examples
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\fscommand\examples.exe
Visual C++ Goodi (G)\fscommand
Visual C++ Goodi (G)


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