模块的当前姿态,姿态测量精度静态0.05 度,动态0.1 度,稳定性极高,性能甚至优
于某些专业的倾角仪!(Calculation of angular velocity, acceleration, magnetic field, GPS data)
模块的当前姿态,姿态测量精度静态0.05 度,动态0.1 度,稳定性极高,性能甚至优
于某些专业的倾角仪!(Calculation of angular velocity, acceleration, magnetic field, GPS data)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
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windows\C#\bin\Debug\MiniIMU.exe | 1410560 | 2014-02-18 |
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windows\C#\MiniIMU.csproj | 5352 | 2015-01-24 |
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windows\C#\MiniIMU.suo | 39424 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\C#\Program.cs | 488 | 2013-08-04 |
windows\C#\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | 1346 | 2013-08-04 |
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windows\C#\Resources\Stop.ico | 1078 | 2014-04-02 |
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windows\C#\Resources\x.jpg | 119474 | 2013-09-28 |
windows\C#\Resources\x1.jpg | 119474 | 2013-09-28 |
windows\VC2010\Debug\Com.ini | 9 | 2012-11-03 |
windows\VC2010\Debug\UARTTest.exe | 48640 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Com.cpp | 8006 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Com.h | 536 | 2012-03-23 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Com.ini | 9 | 2012-11-03 |
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windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\CL.read.1.tlog | 29860 | 2015-01-24 |
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windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\Com.obj | 39828 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\JY901.obj | 7386 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\link-cvtres.read.1.tlog | 2 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog | 2 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\link.3788-cvtres.read.1.tlog | 2 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\link.3788-cvtres.write.1.tlog | 2 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\VC2010\UARTTest\Debug\link.3788.read.1.tlog | 2 | 2015-01-24 |
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windows\VC2010\UARTTest.suo | 13824 | 2015-01-24 |
windows\C#\bin\Debug | 0 | 2016-08-22 |
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